Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here it is Sunday night on the 18th of January 2009. Two days ago I turned 53, and since November I’ve been in a state of decompression. Finally, I feel like I don’t have to pretend I’m Canadian if I travel. Finally I feel like I’m starting to wake up from the horrible nightmare of these last eight years. Eight years of watching this country go down the slippery slope to fascism and take the rest of the world with it like a juggernaut of war, greed, oppression, suppression, regression, recession, and depression. Finally I feel as if I can breathe again. The winds of CHANGE are blowing like breezes of fresh air coming off the sea, and bringing with them a spark of hope to ignite a fire throughout the world. Not a fire of destruction, but a flame to light the way to new beginnings, and to light up the dark corners so we can see clearly enough to pick up the pieces of our broken dreams and clean up the mess that the fascists have made. Realistically it’s going to take decades to bring us back to where we were before the disaster that was the Bush regime.
But with HOPE come new dreams to replace the ones we’ve lost. I feel it in my bones. The world began to be a better place to live last November 4th 2008. Bless you, Barrack Obama! You’re not alone, we’re all going to pull our weight on this one.


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